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COPD & Confusion

Hello all,

I had to answer questions, with respect to a fire occurring at my house.

Said questions were performed via Skype and for some reason, I was getting confused, while other times, was on point with the recollection.

Afterwards, I was thinking to myself, maybe I should've made use of my oxygen machine, during the questioning.

In further thought, could've possibly been the fact that it was my dearly departed mother's birthday and I was mere feet from where the devastating incident occurred.

This was a first for me.

Then again, I have never been through anything remotely close to this, since I was diagnosed with COPD.

I know that confusion can be a indicator of said disease and not everyone may experience similar symptoms, I was wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation?

Just trying to understand it all.

  1. Hi Serenity, and thanks for your post - I am sorry to hear all this is happening to you. While you may be aware we cannot provide medical advice or diagnostics over the internet (for your own safety), your concerns certainly warrant a reply.
    From what you've shared with the community here, it sounds like you have been through two significant life changing events - the loss of your mother and a recent house fire. These traumatic occurrences can affect one's life in very profound ways. My heart goes out to you.
    To address your other concern, there are folks with COPD who experience changes in mentation caused by low levels of oxygen. This is something you may want to discuss at length with your physician. The doctor will be able to explain to you if, and how, this may be related to your particular level of disease. You should have a better understanding of COPD and how it affects you specifically following this type of discussion.
    I do hope this brief reply has provided you with the type of information that will enable you to move forward and seek the proper support.
    Of course, if there is anything we can do to assist you here, please let me or any other moderator / team member know. Please do check back and let us know how you are doing.
    Warm regards,
    Leon (site moderator

    1. Thank you Leon,

      My mother passed in 2001 but it wasn't until early 2016 that my father turned the house over to me.

      Since then (even prior, in many respects) I was making improvements at a feverish pace.

      Always viewed the house as hers, so I declared it "Nanny's House."

      New perimeter fencing, custom gutters and security doors and then construction work, leading to questionable work practices and subsequently a fire caused by said company.

      In the grand scheme of things, I now realize that I was trying to maintain my breathing rhythm, while attempting to keep a cool composure.

      Certainly didn't help that I haven't gotten a good night's sleep in years.

      Try lying down and either coughing wakes me while sleeping or insomnia takes over.

      Guess I have to begin accepting that my body is going through a lot of changes.

      I will definitely speak with my pulmonologist about this, as I see him early next month.

      Come to think of it, think i'll try to reach out to him beforehand.

      Thank you again, for your deeply appreciated response.

      1. Hi again, Serenity - thank you for this response and further explanation. You do have a lot on your plate and it's admirable and commendable to see all you are managing inclusive of this disease!
        You have a good idea there - reaching out to your pulmonologist before your scheduled appointment next month. Between the 'reach out' and the scheduled appointment, you should be well on your way towards moving forward with your medical concerns.
        Please do check back and let us know how this all turns out for you.
        We have a genuine concern for your good health.
        Wishing you well and, good luck!!
        Leon (site moderator

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