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The year Covid-19 hit an wz making ppl sick I wz ok but by Nov of 2020 I happened to get it from my grandson who wz really lil, he got it from his father... I kne I felt something funny feeling in my chest but didn't kno what it wz an none of the home store bought cough meds wz working so kne I had to go see a doctor. Then I went to visit a cousin of mine that I hadn't seen in years since I wz early 20s or so. She had a roommate and he had his girlfriend there as well an they all smoked cigarettes in the apartment. I never said anything bcz it wznt my place to. An I wznt going to be rude to her in her own place. When my husband got there an we wz head home I wz having a hard time breathing so I told him I really needed to get in to see the doctors about it. So I did an he said it sounds like iv got Asthma then sent me to do tests, I told him im still struggling to breath. Then I went in did the big closed in booth test an thats when I found out I had COPD also... I struggle a lot more at nite time when I lay down for bed not sure if you all do or its a me thing lol... 🤭 or hiccups/gasps of sudden short breathes of air. The sound of whistling in your chest as you lay in bed an you can hear yourself makes ten times harder feeling knowing what your going to be going through with this health issue alone. I pray one day there will be a cure for COPD/Asthma. Have a beautiful day everyone and take care god bless.

  1. Hi . Welcome to the community! You will find lots of people here who understand what you are going through and are thrilled to offer their support. You are never alone. Are you on a good treatmentment plan? There are medications and therapies that can help you through those times when you are struggling to breathe, especially at night.
    I hope you never again feel like you have to remain in a home where others are smoking, even if it is their own place. You are well within your rights and the realm of politeness to say something like, "I'm sorry. I can't physically handle smoke. Can we go somewhere else? Maybe a local coffee shop?" You are not telling people they can't smoke in their own home. You are telling them that you can't be in their home while they are smoking.
    Please know we are here for you whenever you need us. Gentle hugs. - Lori (Team Member)

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