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I have had Copd for around five/ six years maybe more, my doctor says it’s stage two but my my symptoms suggest more like stage 3, and until recently I have managed to carry on as best I could with my symptoms, shortness of breath etc
But lately I have developed a continual cough, anc lots of mucus which I have difficulty moving some days. But more worryingly it’s far worse in the morning and takes a couple of hours to clear enough to be able to get dressed,
Today it’s not re as ply cleared as well as it normally does and I now worry about going to bed in case I can’t clear it at all the next day
I’m no help to my lovely wife as I get so out of breath and k am getting scared at what the future holds and feeling very low and depressed
I have never spoken to anyone else who has the same condition so thought I’d try here

  1. G'morning, , and welcome! I see you are a new member here having just joined today, within the hour. We are glad to see you already engaging with the community through this, your first post.
    You've certainly come to the right place! Here at, we are all about all things COPD and COPD related.
    I can tell you that for many, with a COPD diagnosis, the symptoms vary from patient to patient. They can also vary (within the same patient), from day to day. On some days, the symptoms may be worse than on other days. Having said all that, COPD is different for each patient.
    My concern, like yours, is that your present symptoms, based on what you've share here, seem to have worsened to a certain extent (constant cough, increasing mucus production, and difficulty clearing your airway). Since the change in symptoms are paramount in your thoughts, and, they seem to be affecting your activities of daily activities, I would suggest you bring this to your physician's attention. Doctors tend to want to hear when their patient's symptoms have changed. The physician may be able to adjust your medication regimen so you can feel more comfortable.
    What do you think?
    Leon (site moderator

    1. Hi and thanks for the response
      I had a doctors visit two days ago who has arranged an X-ray to see any change in my lungs if any
      It’s how to cope with my fears and anxiety I am struggling with as is my poor wife, the sudden change in my health

      1. Hi again, Mikey - you are most welcome! The changes in one's health can be challenging to handle for both the patient and their family - so it's understandable for both you and your wife to be feeling the way you are.
        This sudden change, as difficult as it is, may be transient. Once the doctor can determine if there are changes, he/she will be able to determine what, if anything, is going on, and what treatment if necessary, is warranted.
        In the meantime, I thought you might gain some additional insight (about coping with COPD), from any of these articles, which are available right here on
        This material will provide you with a wide scope of experience and information as some of the authors are community members, while still others are members of our team.
        I do hope you find the information is helpful in a practical way.
        Please do check back and let us know how things turn out for you when the x-ray results are in. We have a genuine concern for your good health!
        Warm regards,
        Leon (site moderator

    2. Thankyou Leon I will keep in touch, I wish I was a stronger person as are some of the members here, they seem to carry on regardless , I don’t know how they do that, I find I can’t be bothered it’s too much of an effort, I hope your right that it’s transient

      1. Hi, !
        I can relate to what you are going through. I had that problem often until I found something different that helped me to clear out all of that mucus, so I could breathe better and do more things. Keep in mind that I am not a medical professional and cannot give you medical advice but just share what has helped me. You can get this with a prescription or order on Amazon but I would be sure to talk to your doctor before trying it on your own. I nebulize with Albuterol first and then follow up with Sodium Chloride Solution 7% (this is the one that you can get over the counter). This combination for me has been a complete game changer. It helps me to get up all of that mucus every morning and night. I am able to breathe so much better after getting that mucus out every day. It has also kept me from getting any lung infections from it just sitting in my lungs. I hope this helps. Best, Jackie (Moderator)

      2. hi Jackie
        Thanks for the info I will speak to my go about that suggestion and she what she thinks, will keep you posted

    3. Mikey,
      COPD is not an easy condition to deal with. It takes commitment to doing all that is necessary to keep it under control and be able to function as close to normal as possible. Your post did not mention any meds you are taking to help control your COPD. Nor was there any mention of a CT scan or a PFT breathing test. The PFT test would be one of the determining factors in how far advanced your COPD is. Do you have a pulmonologist or just a GP doctor? I would recommend a pulmonologist. Have you done any reading research about COPD? The more knowledge and understanding you have of COPD, the better you will be able to cope. Once you get on a good plan to manage COPD, it can be managed easier. As far as clearing your lungs in the morning, the morning is usually the worst your mucus will be. Mainly because of laying down, sinus drainage, etc. I would recommend getting an Acapella or flutter valve apparatus for helping loosen and clear out your lungs. Talk to your doctor about which would he recommend for you. If you cannot get better understanding and treatment from your doctor, then change doctors. Please let the forum know how you are doing and how you are progressing. Any questions you have, the forum members will do their best to answer them. Take care and God Bless!

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