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1st thank you all on the reply on azithromycin , put my mind at rest.
i have a hospital bed here but cant sleep in it , keep sliding down , wake up cant breath ? so sleep in a chair with my feet on a box .
dont sleep too well but feel better ? but ankles swell up , even though i raise them on a box . yes it is padded . dosent help cos im diabetic now to , mines not high but low . normaly about 5.6 to 6.8 tops.
i realy need some sleep , any ideas please . also my sats go from 8.1 to 9.1 at night , no i dont have oxegen , doctors are thinking about me having this ? any one in the same boat , love to here . thanks ian

  1. It's really terrible to be unable to sleep! Everyone needs their sleep to function well.

    It sounds like besides COPD, diabetes is an issue for you. Both can cause disruptions in sleep. There are some practical things you can do to make sure you get a better nights sleep. This article that was highlighted a while back on this site had some very helpful tips. I hope some of them work for you.

    I would also really recommend speaking to your doctor about the swelling of your feet and ankles.

    Lyn (COPD site moderator)

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