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Constantly runny nose

My nose runs constantly, and especially when using oxygen. I have to blow my nose or use a tissue 40-50 times/day. My pulmonologist cannot explain 'why' . Has anyone had this experience?

  1. Hi again, Joe B. We have had others in our community experience this very same issue when using supplemental oxygen at home. You may want to inquire of your equipment supplier (recognizing that you've already told us they leave much to be desired) about a simple humidifier to attach to the oxygen device. Sometimes the oxygen can dry our the nasal mucosa and cause a runny nose. The humidifier generally takes care of this.
    Warm regards,
    Leon (site moderator)

    1. I mentioned this to my Pulmonologist and he recommended
      Ipratropium Bromide Nasal Solution to be sprayed twice a day
      2 sprays, It does help sometimes when I remember to use it.
      I also have the humidifier attached to my consentrator since
      I have had 3 nose bleeds.

      1. Hi again, MAYJO116 and thanks for bringing us up-to-date on your circumstances regarding a runny nose. Glad you doctor was able to recommend the bromide nasal solution that helped you. Also, I think the humidifier probably goes a long way towards humidifying the oxygen you are breathing from the concentrator.
        Keep up the good work!
        Leon (site moderator)

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