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Breo Inhaler

Hi all,
I've just been diagnosed as moderate stage COPD, with the Dr putting me on the Breo Inhaler, not 100% it's right for me, I have Crohn's also.
What is your experience with this inhaler, any concerning side effects, any improvement with phelgm/ breathing.
Grateful for any info😊

  1. Hi Luvsggs, and thanks for sharing your experience with the community by posting in the forums section. I am hopeful others in the community will see your inquiry and respond by sharing their own personal anecdotal experience with this disease and this medication (Breo).
    I also thought you might gain some additional insight from any of the articles, published right here on our community website, which focuses on this topic. For your convenience, here is a link to that material: I do hope you find the information is helpful in a practical way.
    Wishing you well,
    Leon (site moderator

    1. Hi. Leon gave you a great link to check out our past discussions on Breo. I also wanted to mention that we have a sister site dedicated to Chron's disease and IBD. If you're looking for extra support with that or just want to check it out, they are a lovely group. The address is Please let us know if you decide to try Breo and what your experience is like. I hope it works well for you! -Melissa, team

      1. Hi. I was diagnosed last year with Bronchiectasis and COPD (Emphysema). I'm currently in the midst of my 4th exacerbation in the past 15 months. My Doc put me on Spiriva (inhaler). I had quit taking it after the last exacerbation, but I was told last week to use it permanently. I had a lot of phlegm, which is mostly gone now. I don't know if the Spiriva did that or the other drugs I'm currently taking - Prednisone, Amoxiclav, Mucinex, and Delsym. I'm still pretty sick: SOB, weak, lightheaded, irritable, and diarrhea. Hopefully, these will pass when the exacerbation is over.

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