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Blood in mucus

I have been caughing up mucus with blood. Any one have info on this?

  1. Hi , and thanks for this post. I am sorry to hear this is what you are experiencing now. You may be aware, there are any number of medical conditions that can result in mucus being mixed with blood. The 'blood mucus' can range from 'blood tinged' to 'frank, fresh blood'.
    My suggestion would be for you to reach out to your own private medical doctor for an evaluation. The doctor (and you!), will want to evaluate what is causing this issue for you and provide suitable treatment, as needed.
    What do you think?
    Leon (site moderator

    1. I went to an ENT they say it is caused by the o2 drying out my airway,nose, and back of my nose

      1. Hi again, and thanks for your response and further explanation. That sounds to be a reasonable explanation. Did they prescribe anything to address this for you?
        Leon (site moderator

      2. Ugh, that's the worst! I'm so glad to hear you're okay, though. If you weren't given anything, you may want to try using an over the counter saline mist or gel to keep your membranes moist ... maybe even a few times a day, and especially at bedtime. I hope you can get some relief! You did the right thing by going to the doctor. -Melissa, team

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