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Bivalent vaccine

Hi everybody . I am considering to get the 4 th bivalvent vaccine by Pfizer .
They are still monitoring side effects and I read an article regarding an uptick in clotting from this particular new vaccine by Pfizer . Has anybody had their bivalvent shot and how did it go in reference to side effects . Were they worse than previous side effects ? Would appreciate hearing about people’s experiences with this 4th vaccine . Thank you kindly .

  1. Hi Country girl - I am glad to hear you are considering this for yourself.
    In order to be clear (for my family's experience), my wife and I each went through the following:
    First vaccine: February 2021
    Second vaccine: March 2021
    First booster October: 2021
    Second booster: April 2022
    Annual flu shot: October 6 2022
    Third booster (bivalent): October 24, 2022

    All that to share we had little to no reaction to the bivalent booster. We each experienced mild pain (which we
    considered to be normal) at the injection site, but nothing more than that as a reaction.
    I'll be curious to hear what everyone else has to share.
    I will also look forward to hearing back from you as you move forward with your decision.
    May I ask you, what does you doctor recommend for you?
    Leon (site moderator

    1. Hi Leon- thank you for sharing your experiences . It’s encouraging to hear that you had only mild typical reactions . My doctor always recommends vaccines as he knows I am vulnerable with copd . But because this is a newer vaccine and not as many people have gotten it the side effects are only accumulating now and they are still monitoring them . Blood clots are a potential issue I read but they are still monitoring this serious side effect to see if it is significant . So I usually wait until more information arises . But I am strongly leaning towards getting it anyways so that I can be more protected from covid which is still circulating here in Canada . Thank you so kindly for asking !

      1. It's my pleasure, Country girl - if my family experiences can be of help to you, I'm all for sharing. I think you are sizing this up correctly for yourself, It's always good to work with your own physician when considering vaccinations. Your doctor is the best medical professional for you to collaborate with. By working together you can insure yourself that you are making the best health care decisions for your own particular level of disease.
        Please to check back and keep us apprised of your progress with this.
        Good luck!
        Leon (site moderator

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