Hi. This is controversial but I cannot use any of the inhalers, so I use none. I too have moderate COPD, asthma, Emphysema and Interstitial lung disease. But my body won't accept any of the inhalers...I get sicker; I cannot stop coughing, often I sneeze, and I get sick to my stomach.
Clearly allergenic reaction.
My Doctor put me on daily dose of Singular and steroids (oral) when needed--no more than 3x a year.
I changed my eating habits, my sleeping habits and I shower a lot more than I ever did. I cannot use even a rescue inhaler tho I keep one just in case...they are uncomfortable but so is suffocating.
I DO use various herbs and spices in my food, my coffee and I also keep whole cloves nearby..always. Chewing a clove ONE clove is difficult to get use to but it is well worth the discomfort. The liquid in the clove opens by breathways immediately. Added bonus--clove breath! Not a bad thing.
DO check with your Doctor first.