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Trying To Balance All These Meds!

I've been struggling for a while now, with my body's reactions and interactions with all these meds I take daily. As of today, there are 8! My doctor and I are working together trying to balance it all out so that they work together and not at odds with each other.

For starters, I take a morning set at 0900 and an evening set at 2100 each day. I take all 8 in the AM, but only 5 in the PM. There is:

(1) Losartan Potassium 100mg (blood pressure) - 1 per day.
(2) Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg (diuretic) - 1 per day.
(3) Prednisone 5mg (steroid) - 1 per day.
(4) Metoprolol 50mg (beta blocker) - 2 per day.
(5) Mucinex Max 1200mg (expectorant) - 2 per day.
(6) Symbicort Inhaler 4.5mcg (steroid) - 2 puffs - 2x per day.
(7) Ipratropium Bromide 5mg +Albuterol Sulfate 3mg Ampule - 2x per day.
(8 ) Acetaminophen Extra Str. 500mg (Analgesic) 2 each - 2x per day.

She just doubled the beta blocker as my blood pressure was a bit high and my heart rate is a bit spiky yet. The rest all seem to get along okay but the beta blocker has side effects - namely, it makes me severely dizzy, nauseous, very sick at my stomach, drowsy/foggy, and kills my appetite. So, I am having another adjustment period for that, and it is not fun. My bp and heart rate are trying to fall in line, so that's a good thing. But the adjustment is not pleasant. I have hot coals burning in my stomach, I am so dizzy I have to go lie down soon, and I am too thick-headed to think, so I will sleep more (not a bad thing!) and get nothing done. Crap.

Lastly, apparently there is a new issue with the Symbicort suddenly costing over ten times the normal price (I hate big pharma and big insurance and their gouging of us who can least afford it!), so she is canceling it and switching me to a new (additional) Nebulizer ampule that contains the same drug (Budesonide). I will be using the nebulizer with 2 meds daily.

The whole thing is wildly chaotic and confusing, especially when the meds are making me muddleheaded. Oh, well. I just have to write it all down, be careful to use my lists and my meds chart, checking it all off as I do it, and get through the days. Sometimes I feel like a rat in a maze!

  1. This app is buggy! I typed an 8 and wound up with a smiley face? WTF? You need to allow editing for 24 hours after posting to allow corrections. Especially for me, as I am dyslexic too. Make it happen please. Thanks.

    1. Hi , I'm not sure why the emoji popped up but I was able to pop in and edit it for you! I can definitely pass along your feedback to our tech team.

      1. it does sound like you have a lot of medicines to keep track of but I am glad to hear that you and your doctor are working so closely to monitor you reactions and how well the medicines are working for you. Keeping on top of that is so important and it seems like you are doing the the best you can! I hope the dizziness gets better soon. All the best, Sam S. (, team member).

        1. Thank you for posting your medicine routine with us. You have more than me, although I am catching up. And, like you, it is sometimes difficult finding a good system to make sure you take your medicines as prescribed. And, it sounds like you have a great one by keeping a list and checking them off. I think that would work pretty well. That is much better than mine. Also interesting to note is that all of the medicines you listed here (including all my meds) only need to be taken once or twice a day. I think that is a gift to us from the pharmaceutical industry. I usually tie taking my medicines with brushing my teeth. I get up, take my pills and inhalers, and then brush my teeth. And this also helps with making sure I rinse after using my inhalers. Wishing you all the best. John. community moderator

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