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Back in the Hospital for Me

I woke up this morning and all was good. Did my morning inhaler, took a shower, and ate breakfast. I sat down to do a little surfing the net and started coughing. It was all blood. This lasted for about 20 minutes. I got my daughter to take me to the hospital. I had called my doctor first and when he heard how much blood I was coughing up he sent me to the ER. I just now (6 PM) got a private room. So far had intravenous cortico steroid, two different intravenous antibiotics, gave a sputum sample for testing, had a CT scan and chest x-ray, and due for a breathing treatment soon. I am here for observation and not an inpatient. My doctor read the CT scan and x-ray and saw nothing of concern. He thinks he might have to scope me and fix the same area in my lungs as he did two years ago. I have not coughed up anymore blood so far, so we will see how it goes. I don't feel bad at all, so who knows what the deal is. I will post more when I know more.

  1. oh goodness, I'm so sorry to hear this news. My heart goes out to you. I'm sure you're in excellent hands. Healing prayers from my heart go out to you. I'll be looking for an update from you because I do follow you on here. Hugs, love, and light to you. ❤️🙏

    1. HI - oh boy!! Your good attitude and positive outlook (all characteristic of the Dminor we all know and love!), will certainly help you to get through this. As our good community member has said - you appear to be in good hands as you remain under observation. Your doctor is 'tuned in' - hopefully you will have answers and a resolution to this sudden issue pretty quickly.
      We are all here pulling for you! I will say the prayers tomorrow (the Sabbath) - they all help, I am sure.
      Keep those spirits high!!
      Leon L (author/moderator)

      1. So sorry to hear you are in the hospital. Glad you are not feeling bad although that makes it even harder to be stuck there. You are i my thoughts and prayers. Get well soon. Shari

        1. Oh boy! Glad you were able to get checked out and that things are looking ok for now. Hopefully the nursing staff will let you get some rest after a day like today it is probably needed. Extra prayers and thoughts are heading your way.

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