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How do I answer "will you be alright"?

Hi, I was just asked if I would be alright after telling someone I have severe COPD.

I didn't know how to answer that. I have just gotten to the severe stage and having to wear oxygen 24/7. Anybody have any advice on how to answer when someone asks that?

  1. Hi Pandalady38 and thanks for your post on this very interesting inquiry.
    I'm understanding this to mean you were asked (by someone else) if YOU would be alright after you've told that person that you had severe COPD.

    If that's the case, you may want to say something like - you're being treated by a professional physician who is doing everything he can for you. Your medication, your oxygen, your treatment plan is all designed to help you cope and live with COPD. You sometimes have days that are better than others, but you believe you will live as best as you can and do as much as you are able.

    Others may come by with other suggestions.

    This is one type of narrative you may want to use. Or, you may want to add to it and make it more from yourself.

    Please let us hear from you as to how you feel about these replies to your concern. We can help you through should you want to discuss even further.

    Leon (site moderator)

    1. Thank you this helps a lot.

    2. It's our pleasure, Pandalady38. Glad we could be of help to you!
      All the best,
      Leon (site moderator)

  2. Pandalady38 - that's an excellent question! How nice that you have friends that are so concerned about you.

    The fact is, everyone deals with their COPD in a different way. "Severe COPD" is a term we use to describe the stage of COPD where a person probably experiences shortness of breath very often, is probably on oxygen (such as yourself), perhaps has problems sleeping and is suscetible to frequent exacerbations.

    However, that doesn't mean you aren't "ok". You've no doubt slowed down over time in what you can do and what you can expect of yourself. So, basically it's a new normal, but you're still alright.

    We've had a couple great article on the stages and what they mean (and how to explain it to someone). Here's a couple links.

    Lyn (moderator)

    1. Thank you this helps me understand more so I can give a more educated answer.

  3. i am not a moderator and i may not be helpful. i would ask what that someone means by “alright”.

    1. I believe she was asking in a round about way, if this ment if this is incurable and would the inevitable be happening sooner than later. There wasn’t much time to go into details with her and I just said I don’t know. I wasn’t sure how to answer this at all.

    2. Thanks so much, Pandalady38, for providing your input. You were the one who was asked, after all, and would have the best view on what she may have meant! Warmly, Leon (site moderator)

  4. I'm asked that a lot. I usually say I'm okay. I don't get into the topic much. I don't see the point in explaining my worsening lung condition. I just play it cool.

    1. Thanks, I think I will do that from now on.

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