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are electric hair clippers dangerous?

are electric hair clippers dangerous while on supplementary oxygen? After having used an electric shaver 4-5 times, I read that it was inadvisable to use while on oxygen ---- is the same true of electric hair clippers? Do they produce sparks? How are they dangerous?

  1. Hi , and welcome! We appreciate your post and question - it's a good one!
    Almost anything that is electrically powered can produce sparks. However, generally speaking, sparking typically occurs when the device is not working properly, has a leak, a malfunctioning electrical cord, a faulty electrical outlet and those sorts of device integrity concerns.
    The danger of using supplemental oxygen when an electrical device is operational is the errant spark may cause a fire hazard. This is because medical oxygen is a gas that supports combustion.
    You may gain some additional insight from this article, which speaks to the safety concerns when using oxygen in the home: I do hope you find the information is helpful in a practical way.
    All the best,
    Leon (site moderator

    1. Thanks very much for your informative reply.

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