Hi bob - Your concerns are not only valid, but quite real and practical too, Since our good community member, , and my good colleague, , have already responded (and I concur), I too have something to contribute.
Based on what you've shared with us here, this is not as puzzling as the folks who you've gotten information from make it appear. I am sorry for the confusion they have caused.
There is a definitive, methodical way to approach what your specific oxygen requirements are. John laid out some of that with his battery of questions. These are the questions that are answered, with and for the patient, during the evaluation of the specific level of disease.
Recognizing that you are in hospice care now, there is still an established approach and evaluation method that can be provided to you at home. Once done, your specific oxygen requirements should be made abundantly clear.
What do you think?
Leon L (author/moderator)