I have had problems with blood pressure and anxiety. They have started me on a new blood pressure medicine and have suggested SSRI for anti anxiety. Is this something that is helpful for these problems with COPD ?
Leon Lebowitz, RRT Member
Hi again, Carol, and thanks for this post, too. I see you did post something similar elsewhere on our platform, for which I was able to provide a reply.
For your convenience, here is a link to that conversation:
I do hope you have an opportunity to look over the comment.
Wishing you well,
Leon (site moderator
kloker Member
It kind of comes in waves. Sometimes I just get a clue to what is setting my brain off, and sometimes I don't get one and have to dig a new hole in the blank wall of all that I have yet to learn but learning something new always helps. Always. It's amazing how it works. Heck, I learn stuff here every day, sometimes by accident! I also have other friends with this disease who I talk with constantly and we share our experiences. I read up on meds, treatments, things about diet and exercise, you name it. And I have made huge progress in only a year! So, I make it a habit to try and learn every day. My computer is very helpful. I pester my doctor and nurses and therapists with questions too. When I need to know, I find out. Every little bit of new info builds me up by adding another piece of the puzzle. I have learned that knowledge is armor, and also food for my brain. My goal is to reach a point where I know I am doing everything possible to help my body. It's a complicated thing, but I am working on it. Give it a try and see if it helps you too. And pester your doctor. Remember, the more you learn, the better it will get. Keep us informed too and ask questions here. There are a lot of excellent people with excellent answers on here. Be encouraged! It feels good.