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ankle and foot swelling---edema

I'm 83 and had polio at age 11; just in my legs. Was able to regain full function through hydrotherapy and have had a mostly-healthy life. Last month, after being told by the foot care nurse what beautiful feet I have, they have grown so swollen I have to uy new shoes. Dr. (primary) just put me on Lasix; has anyone else had this happen? My bloodpressure is low normal, no terrible SOB -though I am on oxygen 24-7. Love to hear if others have had this condition!😀😀

  1. Hi, Yes I too suffer with edema right now, have off and on for a few years, but these last 6 months have been almost daily now. I am 61, on 24/7 oxygen and have a medical condition called Venous Insufficiency (weak valves in the veins of my legs), along of course with the side effects of the steroid I am currently taking. My current treatment for the edema is compression socks, lower salt intake and feet up when swollen. Yes, there is that of keeping my legs and feet moisturized because of the skin stretching during these times. We are all a little different of course so treatments can vary.

    There are many causes for edema, I found this great link that might help you understand why this is happening or at least give you better insight.

    Hope your edema is short lived!

    1. I had Edema which was caused by medications. The Cardiologist prescribed Lasix, then I found out that it was a blood pressure medicine that was doing it. I quit the blood pressure medicine and found a different one edema gone.

      1. Thanks so much for the quick and useful info, jahlah and ditld! I'll follow your advice and hopefully have the same good results. Lasix started 7/26glad you're improving!xoxo

        1. Has anyone used epsom salt soaks with good results? If so, what protocol worked. Txoxoxo

          1. Hi . I am no medical expert but, from what I understand, epsom salts work by providing magnesium, which probably would not help much with edema. Many people use it to relieve cramping or soreness in their muscles. Have you tried any of the treatments mentioned? - Lori (Team Member)

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