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Anesthesia and COPD

I asked my pulmonologist about general anesthesia for an elective surgery. He was short, not so sweet, and too the point. Joe "only under the most extreme emergency should you have general anesthesia." "You are almost 77 years old, what can't you live with, that you haven't already lived with." A good, solid point. That is a doctor that cares, that is why I go to him.
This point is one you may want to look at for yourself or loved ones.

  1. Thanks for your insight, . Those are good points to ponder. Warm wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Thank you Lori, your support is appreciated. Br. M has renewed "You have to be your own advocate" approach to any recommended change(s) to my health care.

      1. Yes, my pulmonologist told me pretty much the same thing. In fact, I will need a biopsy and he is even afraid to do that to my lungs. And I may need surgery for a tumor in my bladder. So I am very afraid.

        1. Love the doc you have, straight forward no mixing or soft shoeing the words, hope he/ she has a good sense of humor too! I am now fortunate to have a whole team of needed docs that are like that, but there has been a couple bumps along the way of course. Glad you are happy about your Pulmonologist!
          quick background. I have been Gold stage 4 COPD for 2 yrs now, almost 3. Starting last January I had issues and the radiologist that read my CT scan suggested a biopsy on my right lung. When I seen my then Pulmonologist he did as yours and scared me away from it for 5 months, yes 5 months passed and in to the ER I ended up with a right lung collapsed, my heart and esophagus moved to the right side of my body and well just not doing well at all. In comes a "new" pulmonologist (partner to the old one) and she preceded to explain what was needed, my odds and such. When I asked about my fears that was put in to my head, she was baffled. Anyway the choose I had was to have the biopsy with or not. She (new) doc was confident about her skills with the robotics and that all would be good, minus what the results would be of course. Went through the biopsy with flying colors, all they needed to do was put me in to a "dream sleep" numb the nose and throat and head on down. There was no pain, no sore throat, minor memory of someone holding down my arm and staying I needed to be still just a little longer. Woke up in my room and was hungry and thirsty. The results of that bio was Stage 3a lung cancer. Gee's what if I would have had it done sooner and it was only Stage 1 or2? Well the treatments that followed would not have been as harsh and my heart and esophagus would be in their proper area. nearly 6 months in to remission now and lungs are no worse for wear then they were before all this took place this last year. Just think of what they are looking for and how will that possibly effect you in the future, way the options out with full information. I wish you so much luck no matter which way you choose of course, we all have hard choices to make.

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