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Does an AirPhysio help with COPD?

  1. Hi Mo18, and thanks for your question.
    I believe the device you are referring to (an Air Physio), is an adjunct device that may be used to help patients clear their airways of mucus.

    If we are both speaking of the same thing now, it falls into the category of positive expiratory pressure (PEP) devices. From my experience, many patients do well using the device, but it may not be helpful for everyone.

    I thought you might gain some additional insight for this type of therapy from this article on that very topic: I do hope you find this to be helpful information.

    I would also suggest you discuss this type of therapy with your physician to determine if this is suitable for your particular condition.

    All the best,
    Leon (site moderator

    1. Thanks for that information, I had a feeling that doing breathing exercises, keeping hydrated etc. were probably just as good.

      1. Hi again, Mo - it's our pleasure here at many of the adjuncts work similarly so, if you find one that works for you, stick with it.

        As well, staying active, exercising and, of course, remaining hydrated go a long way towards managing this condition.

        Please know, Mo, you are always welcome here!

        Warm regards,
        Leon (site moderator

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