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Does anyone else experience exhaustion during the afternoon?

I am trying to find out if anyone else experiences the afternoons after a busy day, there are times when I feel completely exhausted and my body is worn completely down. To the point that I can hardly move. Anyone else experience this? I have Stage 3 Emphysema.

  1. Hi Goldenboys3,

    I'm sure someone else in the community will also chime in with a more personal experience, but I can tell you that you're definitely not alone in this. Many people with COPD describe the overwhelming feeling of tiredness they feel at different points during the day. I think you aptly characterized it as "exhaustion".

    In case you didn't see it, here's the link to an article about just that subject.

    Lyn (moderator)

    1. Thanks Lyn. I read the article and it was helpful. It is nice to have a place to come and get answers. This is one of the best support groups. I have a wonderful Pulmonary doctor but really don't see her often enough for questions that come up. Deedie

    2. Thanks Leon, you, Lyn and Noel have made me feel comfortable in this site. I have had emphysema since 2014 but don't talk to friends about it as they don't really understand. As the saying goes, you need to walk in my shoes. Appreciate this site very much. Deedie

  2. Hi Goldenboys3, This is a great question and our community is great about responding and sharing their own experiences. Fatigue is such a real part of COPD that outsiders don't really think about or even understand. I see Lynn already sent you a great article on this subject and I also want to share some articles as well:
    I hope this is helpful to you. Please check back and let us know how you are doing.
    Best, Noel ( Team)

    1. Thank you Noel. I agree, outsiders don't understand. Appreciate your links. Deedie

  3. Our pleasure, Deedie! Keep the questions coming - we'll happily answer any we can.

    Lyn (moderator)

    1. I feel this a few hours before bed. It's a unique pain with interesting branches. I haven't found how to stop it entirely, but I ask whomever can, to massage my back. I know it sounds silly, but it alleviates my lungs hitting my ribs. Pain drains my energy.

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