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Advise for 1st lung Dr. Appointment

After several months complaining that my cough changed my primary care doctors say I probably have copd. So I quit smoking
(16 days ago) and made an appointment with a pulmonary specialist. I'm 53 years old and have a highly stressful job. I'm still learning how serious this actually is and am hoping for advise
On what I should be asking the specialist.
Thank you

  1. Hi Sbsearing - you've come to the right place! First, congratulations on quitting smoking. This is the single most important thing you can do for yourself and COPD. The progression of the disease can actually be 'slowed down', by stopping smoking. I thought you might find it helpful to review this article that speaks to that subject:

    Based on your anticipation of seeing the pulmonologist, you may also find it helpful to review this article that suggests questions you can have prepared prior to the visit:

    We all wish you luck. Please check back with us and let us know how you're doing.
    All the best,
    Leon (site moderator)

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