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Having an oxygen concentrator is a God send. But the tubing is driving me crazy! I drag the tubing, getting it stuck under a table, a china cabinet, or whatever is in route. I find myself constantly hand looping the tubing . Over and over......
So, I'm turning to the experts for do you all handle these wayward tubings?

  1. Hi Wdh, and thanks for your post. You have brought up an interesting and a very popular topic here in our online community So many patients here (as well as patients I have provided care for), have expressed similar frustrations when it comes to keep the oxygen supply tubing from getting tangled. Whew - there are probably as many 'work around' solutions as there are patients!
    I thought you might gain some additional insight, as well as a good number of ideas, from this article, published right here on, which focuses on this very topic: Please note, there are about 42 comments attached to this initial post, by our own . I do hope you find all the information within this forum is helpful for you in a practical way.
    I am looking forward to hearing feedback from you, too, if you so choose.
    Good luck!
    Leon (site moderator

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