I think I just need to voice or put in writing this feeling I have had for just over week. It's a feeling of urgency, not to be mistaken for panic or anxiety for yes I have those, this is different. The only other 4 times I have felt this way it's always been a life or death situation for me health wise, even though I was not having any "health type symptoms". Yes, scary right now, but I just seen GP, Pulmonologist and have an appt with my Cardiologist on Tuesday coming. All have been good with the two I have seen, but still this lingering of urgency persist. What is one to do? I try very hard to keep myself and mind occupied, but it still is sneaking in. Depression hits a little too of course. Does anyone else ever have these type of feelings, not being panic or anxiety driven? Now a deep breathe or two, relaxing the shoulders and praying my night meds take effect anytime now. Maybe it could be that I know Spring is pretty much here and the pollen count will be outrageous soon, I really don't think so though. Hmmmm???? Wishing you all the best.