The Past and Outdoor FunAs a continuation of my previous article, Getting Fit with Pulmonary Rehab, I wanted to discuss the past and also some outdoor fun. If I would have had COPD with...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
20 Reasons Why COPD Awareness MattersI’m going to give you 20 reasons why COPD awareness matters: What are some reasons you think COPD awareness matters? Let us know in the comments below...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
5 Things To Be Thankful For This ThanksgivingIn the spirit of Thanksgiving, here are five things COPDers may be thankful for. A proper diagnosis. For most of history COPD was pretty much lumped under the umbrella term...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
Getting to Know Series: Tonya HidalgoYou know what’s contributors and moderators think about COPD - but there’s more to everyone than COPD! So we’re doing a “Getting to Know...” series to introduce you to...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
A Day in My Nice LifeThe sun was high overhead but the ocean was cool and calm. I adjusted my snorkeling goggles and looked down at gorgeous shells and fish beneath me in the aquamarine...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
What We Need to Hear and What You Can DoMy friend rubbed my upper arms as if she were warming up someone who'd just come in from the bitter cold. Her touch was like a lifeline. It meant everything...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
3 Products That Make My COPD Life EasierTwenty-one years of having COPD had passed before the progression of my illness forced me to retire from work. Another three years later, I was prescribed oxygen after falling blood...Reactions0reactionsComments9 comments
Why I Became a Respiratory Therapist“Hi. My name is John. I’m a respiratory therapist. What is your last name?” That’s the typical way I introduce myself to all my patients now. I started out introducing...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
Why COPD Awareness MattersNovember is COPD Awareness Month. It is a time that many of us will collectively bring more awareness about this disease to the people who really have no idea about...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Halloween Costumes with COPDI hope you will take this in the fun that it is intended. I was just thinking about my mom and her sense of humor, and I wondered, if she...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Expert Answers: COPD and Himalayan Salt Lamps?Sometimes, here at, a community member will ask a question that could benefit from an expert's point of view. We've heard quite a few times from several community members...Reactions0reactionsComments10 comments
I Came Out of the COPD ClosetMy daughter got married a couple of weeks ago. It was a blustery outdoor wedding, but so pretty! Then there was an indoor reception. How did I come out of...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Seasons of LifeOver the last few weeks, we have been focusing on getting prepared to homeschool our son for Kindergarten. We have been homeschooling him for preschool all along, but it is...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
Other Tests with COPD Part I: Sleep ApneaThere are several diagnostic tests to diagnose COPD. There are also a few tests to diagnose other medical problems concurrent with COPD, or to diagnose similar illnesses such as pulmonary...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
You Are Unique in Your Own DiseaseCOPD is such a complex and individualized disease. It can change by the day and vary significantly between people. Sometimes it's nice to compare, to know you're not alone in...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Expert Answers: Eye Problems and COPDQuite often, here at, community members ask questions coming from their personal experience with COPD. It can be helpful to have our experts weigh in, in response to these...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
COPD: Letter to My SonWhen I first started getting sick you were just nine. You were in Cub Scouts and I was one of the den leaders. We had so much fun that year...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
Steroids, Bruising, and BonesThere is a saying, 'The older we get the more pill we take.' I am sure this applies even more for us with a chronic health problem. Many with COPD...Reactions0reactionsComments17 comments
You, Health Information, & the InternetThe internet and social media are amazing resources for people seeking health information, especially for people living with chronic conditions. While many people appreciate having quick access to a great...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Documents Every COPDer Should Have - Part 2This is part 2 of "Documents Every COPDer Should Have. For part 1, click here. I have been asked several times what medical documents those of us with COPD should...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments