Why Don’t We Follow Doctors' Orders? - Part 2I used to wonder why anyone wouldn't follow their doctor's orders, but since being diagnosed with COPD I’ve done it myself. In part 1 of this article, I laid out...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Links Between COPD and AnxietyStudies show that 13-45% of COPDers also experience anxiety. In fact, COPDers are 85% more likely to be diagnosed with anxiety compared with the general population. Despite this, less than...Reactions0reactionsComments8 comments
10 Things You Should Know About Clinical TrialsEach year thousands of clinical trials occur. Learning about clinical trials can feel like you are learning a new language. The good news is that there are lots of resources...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Rose Colored GlassesWhen I was younger, I would tell my dad that I wanted to be happy, in life, at work, in everything. My dad would tell me that I wasn’t being...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
We Learn From Each OtherIt can be so hard to hear that we have COPD, whether it’s Stage 1 or Stage 4. Too often when we get the diagnosis, no one explains to us...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
The Clinical Trial Consent Form: Understanding Your Rights & ResponsibilitiesInformed consent is the term that signifies a person has been given information regarding all possible consequences for a treatment, including both potential risks and benefits. While informed consent frequently...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Dust, Clutter and MinimalizingDust is a big trigger for my allergies, COPD and asthma. My doctors were thinking that my allergies were triggering my COPD exacerbations and SOB (shortness of breath). Those were...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Why Don't We Follow Doctors' Orders?“I don't wanna, I don't hafta, and you can't make me...” Remember those words from childhood? Or maybe you weren't as...contrary...as me. I think about that phrase whenever I hear...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Fight the Flu: Important Flu Facts for People With COPDFlu season is fast approaching, and it's crucial for people with COPD to know how to fight the influenza (also known as "the flu") is a serious contagious illness that...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Will I Need to Pay to Be in a Clinical Trial?Clinical trials can provide an opportunity for patients to receive the latest treatment, provide a new treatment option for those whose previous treatment didn’t work, and allow patients to be...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Video: Avoiding PollutantsPollutants can be both a cause and a trigger of COPD. Polluted air contains irritants - tiny particles that cause damage to the lungs. Breathing irritants for extended periods of...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
What Is an Arterial Blood Gas (ABG)? | COPD.net"Hi, I’m John from respiratory. I have to draw some of your blood.” This is how I usually introduce myself when I come to draw an arterial blood gas (ABG)...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
My Most Stressful Time of the MonthDoes bill paying time of the month throw your body system off? It sure does mine. I would call this my stressor time of the month. It can get my...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
The Frustration of an Invisible Condition!Has anyone ever said to you, "You look fine. It's hard to believe you're sick!" or something similar? Many people in our community have expressed their frustration with COPD being...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Getting Your Best Sleep - Even With COPDA restful night's sleep can be elusive when you have COPD. Do you have to sleep somewhat upright, find yourself getting your oxygen tubing tangled up in your covers or...Reactions0reactionsComments68 comments
Expert Answers: Pain Relief with COPDLately, many of our community members have been talking about pain as it relates COPD. So we asked our experts. Check out what they had to say! Do you have...Reactions0reactionsComments25 comments
Why Quitting Smoking is So HardIt’s often said that cigarette smoking is one of the hardest habits to break. Quitting, for lack of a better way of putting it, is a “Pain in the butt.”...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
Not Always a Placebo! Types of Clinical TrialsWhen many people think of clinical trials, they may think of testing a new experimental drug or taking a placebo pill. But, not all clinical trials involve treatment! Even among...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
COPD, Obesity and MeThe last thing that I want to tell a group of people is that I’m overweight. I’m not just overweight, I’m obese. I’ve been dieting for years. Looking back, I...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Fire Season and COPDFire season is almost upon us. The end of summer and the start of fall mean the trees are changing colors, the weather is changing, fields are almost ready to...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments