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New Years Resolutions Are Not for Me

Every year I make resolutions.

I make the same resolutions year after year. They didn’t work last year, the year before, or the year before.

Sabotage, that’s what I do. Since I couldn’t do them before, why do I think I can do them this new year?
So am I giving up? No way, not me!

Committing to resolutions

If one thing doesn’t work, it’s time to pull up those big girl panties and adjust. I know, too, that COPD does like some consistency, especially concerning things that can affect my breathing.

It’s time to realize that any excuse I come up with for not doing as I'm supposed to must be ignored. Never brush those things under the rug.

That’s what I do to sabotage myself. We can't do that.

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A new year's resolution is so important. However, I never get beyond one month or so. It doesn't work for me!

It's time to rethink that. How do I make a resolution? One that I think will be best for me is to make my resolutions every day. Then, to celebrate the new day!

If one day at a time works for alcoholics and addicts, I think that maybe I need to make my resolutions one day at a time to help me stay focused and stick to it for a change.

Especially the diet. I need to stick to my diet.

Comfort food is something I thrive on, too often anyway. With that comes calories, sweets, and more.

With this diet, we need to be our own cheerleaders and be strong every day. We can do this for one day. I can do this for one day! One day at a time. Every day in our lives is precious and should be celebrated!

Happy New Year!

My resolutions for the new year


  • Be organized
  • Keep a journal
  • Have a checklist of things that I want to accomplish. Be reasonable with myself. List what can be done and schedule an extra little thing to give me a feeling of accomplishment. Name each day's list, “New Day Resolution date, 2023 or beyond”.
  • Lose weight. Start with my previous weight to know what I have already accomplished. Now, use my current weight. Set a goal. Make a plan.
  • What is my goal weight? How much weight do I want to lose? Schedule and plan the menus ahead of time. What type of diet am I going to follow? Over what amount of time will it take to accomplish this goal?
  • A basic exercise program also needs to be planned. This is for my diet and, most importantly, for my COPD.
  • Look in the mirror. Honestly, look at yourself. Look into your eyes. What do they tell you? Find something good, something positive about myself. Now isn't the time to look at the wrinkles on your face. Find something that isn’t just about COPD unless it can be turned around into something positive.

By helping myself, I will help my COPD!

Find something positive that you do. Tell yourself what you did that made it a positive experience. Did it help you or someone else? Will it help you to achieve your goal?

Sometimes it sounds better to say "you" instead of I.

How about you? Did you make the yearly new year resolutions, or will you do this daily? 

One day at a time!

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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