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Weight gain

I am really struggling to lose weight with shortness of breath with activities, a bad knee that gives out, chronic pain and IBS and diabetes. I feel like if I could improve my breathing, I could excercise more.

  1. Hi , and welcome! I see you are a new member here, having joined today, earlier this afternoon.
    We appreciate you sharing your thoughts when it comes to COPD and the comorbidities you've shared here with the community. You make a good point! Generally speaking, the loss of excess wait can have a positive impact on one's comorbidities as well as facilitating exercise.
    Have you had an opportunity to discuss this with your physician? Perhaps your doctor can make adjustments to your medication regimen to help gain more control over your breathing patterns.
    What do you think?
    Leon (site moderator

    1. Hi, I also am struggling with the weight issue. I'm trying to move as much as possible, even if it doesn't seem like much. In my experience, I feel that any movement is better than no movement at all. Wishing you the best, please keep us posted. Susan

      1. Hi, was wondering if you ( ) or have either of you tried checking out ? There is these older Public TV programs on there called Sit to Be Fit they are exercises that you can do sitting and then some have a little harder version of standing for some of the chair exercises as you progress? Also if you search there on you tube "chair exercises" or "chair yoga" they is others like already stated, do them at your own pace and advance as you can of course. May I suggest always checking with your care provider to make sure it's ok to engage in exercising first. Wish you both well and easier breathing......

        1. Morning! I have not checked them out as of yet, but will be before my rehab fund out. I appreciate your thoughtfulness sharing the information. Have the best day possible! Susan

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