Is your doctor a pulmonologist or just a GP? If your doctor is just a GP, then you need to see a pulmonologist. Most people will show within normal range for blood oxygen while sitting at the doctor's office. Have you told your doctor about your breathlessness while doing any normal functions? Like taking a shower, going for a walk, doing household chores, shopping, etc. If you haven't, then you should. If you have and your doctor doesn't listen, then it is time for a new doctor. Get a pulmonologist if you don't already have one. The only other piece of advice I can give you is to not give up and keep fighting. For some reason, these days, you have to fight for every little thing. So, start fighting back and make yourself heard. If your current doctor still won't listen, find another one. Keep your chin up and keep on keeping on. Please let the forum know how things work out. Take care and God Bless.