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Tualang Honey or Manuka Honey

My husband has late stage COPD and has had COPD for a long time; however, I just recently came across some info that these types of honey can help with cough and perhaps mucous. Does anyone have any experience with either of these?

  1. ,
    I only have experience with Manuka Honey. My wife and I have used it for numerous ailments. We have used it for stomach issues, skin conditions, colds, flu, coughs, and general well being. I can't say if it will actually help with COPD symptoms as it's main healing properties are because of it's natural antibiotic properties. Since it has been on the market for many years, it has become very expensive. We do not buy it anymore. We source local unprocessed honey for home use. Like I stated above, I do not think it can help remedy COPD caused cough and mucus, as COPD is not caused by an infection. It would help however if you caught a cold, flu, or pneumonia. But you are welcome to try, because you never know. Take care and God Bless!

    1. Hi, thanks for your reply and sorry it took me so long to thank you. We are going to give it a try to see if it helps any with cough, mucous, etc. I didn't see any drug interactions or any reason not to try a couple teaspoons a day (other than the expense). If I think it helps, I'll post. God Bless you too! 😀

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