My doctor, whom I saw July 24th, gave me a two week sample of Trelegy to try. AstraZeneca is stopping Symbicort in any assistance program at the end of the year. So my doctor wanted me to try Trelegy. When my current Symbicort inhaler was empty, I was instructed to try Trelegy. Well, that lasted all of two days. On day two I had a sore throat, constant coughing, a stuffed up and runny nose, sneezing, a headache, and sore joints. I immediately went back to the Symbicort today. I will be calling my doctor in the morning and letting him know that Trelegy is not for me. One thing I really did not like was the powder in my mouth. Nasty stuff. We will see what the next suggestion my doctor has. I will refuse any powder inhalers. I was curious what others have experienced with powder inhalers. I know not every medicine works for every person, so we shall see. I will let the forum know what my pulmonologist decides.