I have MSA(Parkinsons +)
ACLeukaemia aswell as depression with COPD some days things are a little harder than others but I recently recovered from Covid, and since then my breathing seems to be 100% worse. So be careful Covid is still hot it's bite...
Leon Lebowitz, RRT Member
Based on what you've shared here with the community, you are certainly managing some serious medical concerns. How do you manage?
If there is anything we can do to assist you, please let me or any other moderator / team member know. You are always welcome here!
All the best,
Leon (site moderator
CommunityMember419205 Member
Thankyou Leon, for being so kind...I guess I cope with a sense of humour..There is no other way and now I have a friend to keep me on my toes and occupied...he has made a difference already with my depression. I guess my husband realised that talking to myself was getting too serious, as the answers were making sense...I'm getting a little tired er at night which is a lot better than not being able to sleep...breathing not really good since the co-vid but I just take things a little slower...thankyou again
Kath x 😀
CommunityMember419205 Member
Leon Lebowitz, RRT Member
I do appreciate you staying engaged with this conversation.
Wishing you all the best,
Leon (site moderator
Allyson.Ellis Community Admin
You are not alone struggling more with your breathing and COPD symptoms following a Covid infection. Many in the community have been through similar experiences. The recovery can take more time and be even more draining when navigating a chronic illness like COPD. Given that you live with other health concerns as well, it is understandable that you are feeling more drained! Navigating COPD with Covid alongside MSA and AC Leukemia is a lot! In case it would be helpful, we have sister sites dedicated to information and support for living with Parkinson's and blood cancers that you might like to visit:
Please know we are here to listen anytime you need a friendly ear! We are glad you are part of the community! Wishing you a gentle day. ~Allyson ( team)
CommunityMember419205 Member