Well, here it is, a month after being in the hospital for coughing up blood, I now have Covid. I started feeling bad this past Monday and by today I was pretty sick. I got a hold of my medical team and they had me come in for a swab. I didn't even have to get out of the car. I just got a call back with the positive test results. I am going to be on anti-nausea meds and prednisone. They wanted to know if I wanted Paxlovid. At 1400 dollars for a five-day treatment, I said thanks but no thanks. According to my medical team, I should be feeling better over the weekend. If not, call them again. I just can't win here lately. But keeping my chin up and will get over it just like everything else. Sometimes you just can't win for losing. The prednisone for my lungs and the nausea meds because of all the mucus drainage making me dry heave. I do not feel like eating for 3 of the last 4 days. I need to get my system back to being stronger. Gotta eat. That's all I got. Mybe next time it will be a more upbeat post. Take care all and God Bless!