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Service dogs?

I am just finding out that I have emphysema, probably pretty advanced, although I am not on oxygen and generally feel pretty good, only get short of breath walking up hills, so far. But I am thinking of getting a dog and going through a program to train it myself to be a service dog, anticipating that I may need help with mobility and certain tasks if I get weaker/more fatigued than I am now. Has anyone with COPD made successful use of a service dog?

  1. Good morning, Great idea for a discussion here. It will be neat hearing what community members have to say on this topic. And I have heard members talking about service dogs (and in some cases other animals) and how they are helpful in various ways. I have heard some service dogs can even help you spot flare-ups even before you feel symptoms, prompting you to take swift actions to prevent them. It's neat what animals can do to help us. Wishing you all the best. John. community moderatoir.

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