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Rs vs copd

I know very well how you feel. I have had ra for over 10 years by the time I was diagnosed it has destroyed many of my joints. The I was diagnosed with copd. I have had a lot of pity parties. Glad you have support. My family is not supportive. My husband is becoming more understanding he was in denial for a long time. I now make sure he sets in on my doctor's visits. This has help him to understand what is going on and brought him to be willing to help me. These are horrible diseases and I wish you the best. I truly understand

  1. I am not sure who this message is directed to, but it looks like you were trying to respond to a post or message elsewhere on the site. I hope whoever you were hoping to reach receives it, because it was such a great encouragement. 😀 Having a loved one who doesn't understand or accept your diagnosis come to the doctor's office with you is an excellent strategy as well Please let me or any of the moderator team know if we can help you navigate! -Melissa, team

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