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Rough week !

Well this was one of those weeks I wish on no one! Ended up in the ER and a 3 day stay in the hospital. Lets just move to the end results of Pneumonia with full collapse of the right lung, pulmonary effusion to the right and after a bronchoscopy to find out I have cancer in that right lung also. Lots of meds and when the biopsy comes back with the type of cancer then we will go from there of course. Having just under 30% of total lung function left it will be interesting to hear what if anything they can do. Oh and a new Pulmonologist to boot, happy to have her on board !!!!!
Emotions as you can imagine is all over the place, trying to keep my crap together to make it to Wednesday the 21st.

Fortunately it's taken this long to get here, but feeling pretty lucky for I am just now on full time O2 at 3ltrs, still getting around by myself for now and have the best family ever, small but strong and supportive! Then with all of you, what else can a woman ask for?

  1. Hi again, (Doris) - I am sorry to hear of your recent hospitalization and new diagnosis. You are indeed a strong woman, managing all this. Of course, it helps to have a strong family support system and, thankfully, you have that!
    And, as you know, we are all here, right in your corner with you. You will make it to this Wednesday (6/21), you can do it!!
    Please, if there is anything we can do for you, let me or any other moderator / team member know. We are all here for you, Doris!
    Leon (site moderator

    1. So sorry to hear we just have to keep on keeping on I wish you all the best so glad to hear you have family support

      1. Doris, my heart goes out to you! What a series of hardships you've been through. I'm glad you're home. How are you feeling with the collapsed lung?

        I want to let you know that we have a sister site for people facing lung cancer. You may want to peek around there to get more specific support. The address is

        We are all here to walk beside you and listen as you navigate all of this. You continue to be a friendly, caring presence here and I hope you know that we care! Gentle hugs to you. -Melissa, team

        1. thank you for pointing this out, I'm sure I will need it!

        2. Hi again Doris -- I sent you the link to the Lung Cancer site again on your latest update with your diagnosis so you don't need to go hunting for it. Wishing you the very best! <3 -Melissa, team

      2. Hi again (Doris) - you have been on my mind since today is June 21. You did mention that this is the day/date that I believe you mentioned you are anticipating the results of the lung biopsy. If, and when, you feel up to it, I would hope you can share that with us here in the community.
        We are here for you, Doris - whatever we can do to assist you, please let me or any other moderator / team member know.
        Warm regards,
        Leon (site moderator

        1. Doris, thank you for updating us! All the tests and workups for determining the cancer stage and what areas of the body are affected is a lot! I'm glad your doctor does not feel the brain is affected, but is getting a baseline. It sounds like you have a great, proactive oncologist on your case! It is tough when your treatment options are limited due to your other chronic heath concerns. You are navigating so much with your health, between COPD, RA, PsA, fibromyalgia, and now lung cancer.

          Waiting on test results can be such an anxious time. I hope you will be able to meet with your doctor next week, rather than waiting until the 24th. Once you know where things stand, you can start working on a plan for how to move forward. Waiting with the unknown is so hard. How are you feeling about your doctor's suggestion that you make a plan for your end-of-life wishes? That can be an overwhelming thing to hear. I really wish it was something general physicians asked about as part of routine physicals, rather than leaving it to specialists when a person faces a significant health concern. Because none of us ever knows what our life may look like, accidents happen, and every person regardless of age or medical history should have those plans in place. We have several articles about living wills that you might find helpful to look through:

          I hope you got some good rest after all the tests and appointments. It is both physically and emotionally exhausting to have marathon hospital days. We appreciate you sharing so openly with us! We are thinking of you and hoping you receive news about where things stand next week. Wishing you a gentle day. ~Allyson ( team)

        2. Hi again, Doris, and thanks for your candid and detailed update. I appreciate it! I am glad to hear they plan on taking action for the pleural effusion (thoracentesis) - you should feel a bit more comfortable once they can remove the fluid.
          You have a 'bit of a road' ahead of you and we are all here to accompany you as best we can. I am keeping my 'fingers crossed' for you for sure. I guess the 'hint' she threw your way was her version of preparing you for what might be down that road, too!
          I like your approach - keep 'plugging away' - you'll deal with each event and procedure as they come up.
          Please, count on us to be here for you!
          Since it's already the next day (since your post from 10 hours ago), I am hopeful you were able to take your medications and get to bed. I will look forward to your next contact with us here.
          Leon (site moderator

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