Hi my dad is 77 next month and has "extensive" COPD (phrase the drs keep using). Unfortunately he is still smoking which is a huge concern.
He is'nt great at looking after himself and wont really take advice.
His diet is very poor (energy drinks and sugar mostly, only eating tiny amounts) and he is losing weight. Up to about 2 weeks ago he was smoking 20 cigs a day but he is down to about 10 a day at the moment because he is so breathless.
He is on Trixeo inhaler, diuretic tablet and preventative anti biotics (3 days a week) but he doesn't always take his meds.
He was given an oxygen concentrator and he has gone from hardly ever using it a month ago to being on it almost 24/7 now. He goes through a lot of ventolin inhalers also (about 3 a month).
In the last few months he has gone from being up early and out and about in the car visiting friends to sleeping until mid afternoon and no interest in anything.
He does get more energy in the evening times and appears much better then!
He is also on a lot of painkillers (panadol extra, solpadeine and tylex) and its hard to know what are side effects of the pain killers (eg drowsiness) or symptoms of the COPD.
He said yesterday that he is sorry he ever started using the oxygen concentrator as he is reliant on it now - I dont know if this is possible.
He smokes with the concentrator in use so I am very worried about this and him moving onto an oxygen tank as I dont trust he wont smoke with it in use.
I feel he is going downhill quite fast but it is hard to support him as he wont do the things that would help him, eg breathing exercises, nutritional drinks, reduce codeine painkillers, etc.
I am worried about the reliance on the oxygen concentrator, he doesn't seem to be able to manage the breathlessness without it. He wont go anywhere without it now.
Any advice would be very welcome.