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Has anyone tried regenerative therapy?

I have just been diagnosed with stage 2 COPD. Needless to say, I'm very interested in stemming or stopping the progress of the disease. I'm looking into regenerative therapy and wondering if anyone has had success with it?

  1. Hi Oscar C, and thanks for your post here. While I'm hopeful others in the community read your post and respond with their own personal experiences, I thought you might gain some additional insight (regarding slowing the progression of this disease), from this article on that very topic:

    In addition, we do have some published material on COPD and stem cell therapy, which you may also find helpful to read. For your convenience, here is a link:

    We're glad to have you as a member of our online community.

    Wishing you well,
    Leon (site moderator

    1. I too am very interested still in this as a form of treatment. A researcher is trying to raise funds to continue there researching into stem cell therapy using an inhaler method. But it's the raising the funds. Like you I too would like to remain stage 2. I really would like this research to take off

    2. I have a friend who is mentoring a PhD candidate who is researching COPD, looking at stem cell therapy. He sent me links to some research. Unfortunately, right now there isn't anything that produces lasting results. One clinic that I interacted with in Tampa indicated that they extract your stem cells from blood and then inject the stem cells. They claim to have good results however, I have a history of cancer as well and they indicated that the stem cells could regenerate the cancer as well. I decided I'd not try that.

  2. I too am very interested still in this as a form of treatment. A researcher is trying to raise funds to continue there researching into stem cell therapy using an inhaler method. But it's the raising the funds. Like you I too would like to remain stage 2. I really would like this research to take off

    1. Hi Veronica61 - and thanks for joining in this conversation. I would say we are all feeling similarly to the way you are - anything in line with research that helps to continue treating and even curing this condition would be a real plus for the entire community.
      We appreciate your input here.
      All the best,
      Leon (site moderator

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