Hi - thanks for your post and question, it's a good one! You may be aware we cannot provide medical advice or diagnoses over the internet (for your own safety), but your concerns certainly warrant a reply.
Just as COPD affects each patient differently, so too, does the progression of the disease. It can vary considerably among patients. There is no question that the disease is an insidious one and, generally speaking, moves slowly over time.
For folks who have been diagnosed early, there are life style changes that can be made that can actually slow down the progression of the disease.
From my own perspective, I believe your particular concerns would best be addressed by your diagnosing physician. However, before you have that conversation with the doctor. you may want to read up on this a little more. Towards that end, I thought the information in these two articles would be beneficial for you to be aware of prior to revisiting your (valid) concerns with the doctor.
First, this one, which speaks to the early stages of COPD: https://copd.net/clinical/early-stages-what-to-know.
And next, this material, which addresses treatment during the early stages: https://copd.net/living/early-stage-treatment.
What do you think?
Leon L (author/moderator)