I don't know whether this can be addressed in this forum, but here's my problem.
This past June I purchased an Inogen 5 as I planned to move to Texas to be near my daughter.
It worked fine for awhile and then I got the following error images on the screen as seen below. It isn't a serious error code, but it still made me nervous whenever I had to leave my home for any great length of time.
I emailed them on Nov. 25 and they replied the next day that they'd put in a service ticket for this.
By Dec. 18 I hadn't heard anything so I called them.
On Jan. 9 I got an email with instructions to reset the entire system. I did this many times but the error message kept popping up.
The message said to call them if this didn't work and I did. I was told that I could either ship the unit back for repairs which might take several weeks or I could get a used unit with a full warranty. Because I had spent a considerable amount of money on a new unit, I didn't want to replace it with a used one.
I was also told that, if I had this repaired elsewhere, all my warranties would no longer apply to this unit.
As I live in Dallas, I'd like to know whether I could have this repaired locally and would that really affect the warranty on this unit?
I'm nervous about going without my unit for weeks, as I also got a charger that works in a vehicle as well as one that plugs into an electrical outlet, so I have no fear that I'd ever run out of oxygen no matter where I am.
I love the convenience of this unit rather than carrying around those small, clumsy cylinders, and if repairs take a long time, then I'll have to order the cylinders to get me through this time period. I do use a larger continuous flow concentrator when in my home.
I simply don't know what to do. If I call their corporate offices, I assume they'll give me the same answer as their distributor in CO.
Any and all advice would be gratefully appreciated.
Thanks again!