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Difference in palliative and hospice care

Hello Friends,
I’m sorry I have not been on in a while, I have been in and out of hospital a few times, just now getting back to normal.
But during my stay a good question came up.
One is I am a DNR, but they were at one point asking about palliative and hospice care.. And they all did a very good job at confusing me. I thought these were two different programs, I even googled it and my thinking was the same as google, but what the hospital was telling me is difference. Not to say anything but my mom and sibling have confused me.
Can someone tell me exactly what each one does?
I would be so thankful. I will not say OK to anything I do not understand.

  1. Glad. to have you back, I literally just asked this same question at work yesterday. So I can attempt to have a fresh answer for you right from the experts at my hospital. I was informed that palliative care is a step before hospice. Palliative care is for people who are expected to live a while longer, and yet who have a disease that may cause pain and anxiety. So, palliative care is an effort to treat a person with medicine to relieve pain and anxiety. The goal of it is to improve the quality of your life. So, you can do this along with your regular COPD treatment to help improve the quality of your life. Hospice is where your prognosis is not good, and you are expected not to live much longer. So, it is an effort to keep you comfortable during your remaining days. Does this make sense for you? John. community moderator.

    1. Thanks so much John for replying so fast. Wow just yesterday, that's a gift to me, from my Lord. So what I was thing is correct, I have to wonder where these people get their information. Its kind of hard to tell with me on the living time frame in 2010 I was told I had stage 4 COPS from glass Mosaic work I had been doing for 6 years not wearing a face cover. My family was told I had 2 good years left, turns out 11 years later and I’m still here. My hospital was bought out and they had a branch close to me so I was able to do rehab daily or at least 3 times a week, the new hospital closed that rehab and I have been going down heal ever since, sure they have one but its to far for my to drive to. So I’m afraid it want be long, maybe that's the reason for the talk of palliative care and Hospice. I'm a log way from Hospice and not sure if palliative can help, my regular doctor takes care of my nerve medicine and pulmonary the remainder.
      I think I’m stick in between a rock and a hard place. But I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart

      1. Hi Sunshine - so glad to have you back again and commenting here in the community. You have brought up an excellent topic and posed an equally interesting concern. I see my colleague, , has jumped right in with a fresh and current explanation for both palliative care and hospice care. I see, also, that you have already read his thorough explanation, which seemed to be very helpful for you. These are all very important aspects of one's care as a disease (like COPD), progresses.
        I wanted to share with you an excellent article that was published, right here on, less than 2 years ago. From my perspective, it too, is an excellent reference for understanding both palliative and hospice care. I thought you would gain some additional insight from the content. For your convenience, here is a link to the material:
        I do hope you find this is helpful to you in a practical way!
        Please know, you are always welcome here!
        Wishing you well,
        Leon (site moderator

    2. Now I am concerned. Last April, the hospital had a lady come to my room and ask if I wanted Hospice care. I said no. I want my own home. Now I wonder how long I have left?. Also 2 years ago I was taken to the hospital. I dont remember anything. I came to the next day in the ICU. This is when I was put on Oxygen. I guess my oxygen got so low I collapsed. Took a month to get somewhat better. I was so weak. Still never got my doc or hospital to tell me what happened and didn't really get a diagnosis. Hypoxemia I think. Anyone else have this happen?

      1. , that sounds like a scary experience! While we can't offer any medical advice if you'd like you can share your question with the community in our forums where more members will be able to see it and share if they have had a similar experience. You can do so here: All the best, Sam S. (COPD team).

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