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Pain in left chest and back when swallowing

I don't have GERD. This pain runs from the front of my chest, just above my breastbone straight through me into my left shoulder blade. Only when I swallow. This has been happening for over 6 months every day. I was diagnosed with COPD in September of 2022. Pulmonologist will not discuss it with me. They found a Cavity in my upper left lobe which is empty so now they have moved their focus to that. They will not treat my COPD either. I am at a total loss. I've spent months researching to find answers for everything COPD. Thankful I found this site.

  1. I again, Newbie, and thank you for this post, too. I saw your first comment and was able to respond to you
    there. (For ease of reference, here is a link to that conversation :
    I do hope you have an opportunity to look it over when you are able to.
    As for this post (above), - we, too, are glad you found our community. We are pleased to have you here as a new member. The symptoms you've
    shared with us here, are not uncommon for a patient with COPD, as there are pains that can be associated with this disease.
    What is unusual is for you to have a physician (pulmonologist), who will not discuss this with you. Although it's understandable the doctor is focusing
    on another area of interest (the cavity), it should not be at the expense of neglecting your overall health condition (inclusive of the newly diagnosed
    COPD, in September 2022). This is all something you may want to address moving forward.
    Towards that end you may want become a little more aggressive as a self advocate. A doctor who will not discuss all aspects of your care may not
    be the right physician to provide your overall care.
    What do you think?
    Leon (site moderator

    1. I've wasted a lot of time with this Pulmonology group and have moved my care to the Ohio State Pulmonology Group Hospital. It's been a few weeks though without help for my situation but I hope it will pay off when I see them finally on Monday. I also have pain and inflammation in my upper torso. I've seen several specialists and they look at me like I have 3 eyes. I think the right COPD Inhaler and a course of Prednisone will soothe the inflammation and bring down the pain, but that's not something that ever gets mentioned so I think I'm in the twilight zone here. It's been 6 months and 5 different specialists. They want to put me on anti-anxiety medication. I tell them no and don't discuss it with them again.

    2. Hi again, Newbie - I am sorry for the delay in getting to this comment of yours (from yesterday) - I only just saw it now! I apologize...
      I am sorry the time you spent with the initial pulmonary group seemed to be fruitless. Now that you are at Ohio State's Pulmonary Group Hospital, I would hope there is more direction, care, and treatment for you. If you think there is a rescue inhaler that will suit you better, try advocating for that on your own behalf. If you feel that a course of oral steroids will help, too, then go after that also! A new group of doctors, who are university based, should be able to discuss this with you intelligently, and try to direct you towards therapy that will be of benefit to you.
      I will wish you 'good luck!' on your visit this coming Monday. Please do check back and let us know how this all turns out for you.
      Wishing you well,
      Leon (site moderator

  2. have you tried asking your PC about the muscle pain from your swallowing to your arm? I ask for he/she might be able to give you some insight about why and how to care for it. Have you tried heat or ice on this area to see if you get any relief that way? Looking at our bodies there is so many muscle, tendons and etc.. attached from one area to another that it could be something other then your lungs or coughing and such might have irritated something else. Just a thought. Wish you the best and hoping for very good out come on your visit to the University.

    1. Hi, I feel like Leon. It is concerning this pulmonology group seems to be dropping the ball, or just running the show to their own music. We also have a pulmonologist in my town like this, and my sister experienced this in the Houston area. I go to a town an hour away to go to a pulmonologist I love! It's so important that we advocate for ourselves and direct our care to our benefit. An idea might be to have a friend or family member go with you if it's difficult for you to do this. I have a different sister that is the best for this, in that she is the "question girl." I can trust her and expect her to speak plainly and specifically at a medical appointment, even for someone else. The important thing is that we receive the care we deserve and pay for!! I pray this new group is more open to listening and not off-putting to your concerns and needs. Best wishes!

      1. Hi Mary, and thanks for lending your own support and encouragement here. We also appreciate you sharing your own personal experience managing this disease (COPD), and how bringing someone with you works out so well. It is good advice!! When diseases and care are complex, it is always an asset to bring another set of eyes and ears along. My wife and I always do that, and we are both in the health care profession! (nurse, and therapist). I am glad to hear this system works so well for you, too.
        I also want to underscore your point about advocating for oneself - this can be a great help towards insuring one receives the care and treatment which is necessary and warranted.
        All the best,
        Leon (site moderator

    2. I do have Gerd. And it is no fun! When it hits I might puke for 4-5 hours non-stop, and I'm not kidding. I
      continuously gag until I literally cannot catch a breath for hours. This happened again two weeks ago. I literally
      had bruised ribs, and my neck, chest, back, and abdominal muscles were so sore for about 3 days I could only
      breathe shallowly. After a week or so the muscle pain went way. Crazy! I am going to the Urologist next week.
      Already finished with the Gastro doc. The gallstones, hiatal hernia, bladder/kidney/prostate issues altogether
      are a complex issue. Hopefully I will get some relief soon. But my muscle issues mostly cleared up in a week
      The other thing I wanted to mention is that I have sometimes had issues with doctors. I do NOT put up with it
      at all! Luckily I live in Austin, Tx, where there are a lot of medical options. Regardless, though, I won't tolerate
      misbehavior from doctors. They are supposed to be pros. Also, I am the boss. They work for me, and I pay the
      bill. They are there to serve me, and I require them to do just that. Of course, the good ones you don't even
      have to ask. But I have literally fired one doctor, and I won't hesitate to do it again if I have to. It is my money
      and my lifetime of hard work paying their outrageous prices, and I have a right to expect stellar care. So do you.
      Remember that. You have every right to question what they do and don't do and make them comply and take
      good care of you, and if they won't, then I'd report them to the state medical board, and replace them, and

      1. Wow, this platform is buggy as hell. I wrote a simple paragraph and this is the glitchy result. Crazy!

      2. , i'm sorry you're having some technical difficulties, sometimes members find it easier to type their responses in another document and copy and paste them in so if there is a glitch they have their response saved and can try again! Best, Sam S. (, team member).

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