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Will my oxygen saturation go back to where it was before I got sick?

I've been sick, will my oxygen saturation go back to where it was before I got sick?

I usually use oxygen when I'm exercising and pursed lip breathing when I'm just puttering around the house. At rest on room air, my oximeter will usually read 94. During this sickness (flu symptoms) my resting on room air is around 88. This has been for 3 days and I'm wondering if some people might get stuck here or some people might get back to where they were last week. I'd sooner be the latter. Any answers? Thanks!

  1. Hi GeckoGal,

    I'm sorry to hear you've been ill. This is a nasty flu that's going around, so it's no wonder you're feeling poorly.

    In most cases once a sickness has run it's course and you're back to normal, your saturation levels will also even out. If your norm was 94%, there's no reason to think you won't get back to that point when you're healthy again.

    Try not to be too impatient - it may take a little longer than you think it should. In fact, I would suggest that unless you're feeling short of breath and have an overwhelming urge to check it, you should just leave your pulse ox in a drawer for a day or two.

    Feel well soon!

    Lyn (moderator)

    1. Hi GeckoGal and thanks for posting your inquiry. I see that both Janet and Lyn have provided some feedback that is all good.
      Keep in mind that coming down with the flu (in conjunction with having COPD) can certainly temporarily compromise your oxygenation levels and lung function. As Lyn has said, once you've recuperated completely from the flu, there is no reason to think that your oxygen levels will not return to what they normally are for you. Only time will tell. Depending on how you feel once you've fully recovered, you may not even need to see your physician for follow-up. Lyn is correct too - try to remain patient and go easy on yourself until you're back to your normal state of health.
      Please do keep in touch and let us know how you're doing.
      All the best,
      Leon (site moderator)

  2. Thank you all for your answers. I've been to my primary care doc when this hit me after an emergency flight to be w family, but have been pretty down so didn't make appt. for the pulmonary doc but will do that today. (I've four more days on the antibiotics. I've not had any exacerbations before and, as my husband is coughing along w me, I didn't think the stress of seeing the pulmonary doctor would help.)

    1. Glad to hear you found everyone's responses helpful, GeckoGal! I hope you're able to make an appointment with your pulmonary doctor and get in to see them soon! Please keep us posted if you're able to see them! We're sending positive thoughts your way!! -Casey, Team

  3. Yesterday, I was surprised to see that my o2 level went back to where it was--in one day? Wild. I'm feeling much better and have an appt w my pulmonary doc (he's my only choice here) in a while. He thinks that Pulmonary Rehab is "Hoo-hah" so I'm looking for an online course. Any suggestions re that would be helpful. Aloha

    1. He GeckoGal - so good to hear your oxygen level has returned back to where it's supposed to be for you. Sometimes, a little bit of patience pays off big time. I thought you might find it helpful to look over this article on pulmonary rehabilitation: So many members in our community report positive results with pulmonary rehab. You can check out the availability of programs in your area or check out the local hospital or another physician who subscribes to the benefits of rehab.
      Please be sure to check back with us after you visit with your physician. Whether he believes in it or not, he may be familiar with programs in your area.
      Leon (site moderator)

  4. Aloha all. Both my husband and I are better. I did make the appt to see the Pulm Dr and he put me on 15mg of Prednisone and another course of antibiotics after looking at an Xray and hearing where my saturation levels are. He indicates that it'll be 6 weeks or so before my sats are where they were before I was hit w the crud. (I've not been on o2 like this and I'm having bleeding nasal cavities. I'm using a herbal salve in my nostrils.)

    1. GeckoGal - it's wonderful to hear that you and your husband are both feeling better! I bet once you've finished the course of steriods and antibiotics, you'll be as good as new.

      The oxygen can be very drying to your nasal cavities; especially if you're not used to it. I would suggest an over-the-counter saline nasal spray along with the salve you're already using. It will hydrate your nasal passages and may help.

      Just an FYI - try to remember not to use a petroleum based product around your nose and lips when on oxygen.

      Lyn (moderator)

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