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Oxygen and Blood Pressure

When I'm moving around the apartment, I usually don't wear my oxygen tubing and I've begun to notice that when my oxygen level gets too low (below 88% blood oxygen level), my blood pressure goes up drastically. Is this normal, or just me? Either way, I'm going keep a closer eye on my oxygen level.

  1. Hi WillDoe and thanks for your post. Although we cannot provide medical advice or diagnostics over the internet (for your own safety), your concerns certainly warrant a reply. Other conditions are often times associated with COPD, and high blood pressure can be one of them. An oxygen saturation level of 88% can cause feelings of air hunger, discomfort, and shortness of breath. It's very prudent of you to keep a closer eye on your saturation levels and insure that you continue to wear your oxygen device while moving around the house. If your symptoms (high blood pressure) persist, you should really check with your physician to make certain nothing else is going on.
    All the best,
    Leon (site moderator)

    1. Boy, I don't go anywhere w/o my little finger gadget!

      1. Hi lovinggrandma and thanks for letting us know you find the pulse oximeter to be so useful. Best, Leon (site moderator)

    2. Hi again, j914 and thanks for your comment sharing your situation at home with your oxygen saturation levels and blood pressure. In view of your concerns, I thought this article might provide you with some additional insight on this issue: I do hope you find it to be helpful. Warmly, Leon (site moderator)

      1. Something that has definitely helped my saturation is exercise. I started back up and do not use my oxygen like I had to before. I can feel the difference and my BP has also dropped a lot. So now I’m on a treadmill 2-3 times a week for 2 miles each time 45-55 min. and am hoping to add more miles so I can continue to feel better for a long time.

        1. Hi Runts - It's so great that you're seeing an improvement in your O2 saturation with exercise. I don't doubt it at all! I spent a bit of my career in Pulmonary Rehab and that was one of the first signs of improvement we would see. It was always so satisfying; for me and the person that was being helped.

          Keep it up and let us know if you see further changes. We'd love to hear about it.

          Lyn (site moderator)

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