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My Doctor is Amazing

I feel so fortunate in that I have a doctor who always listens to me, doesn't make me feel rushed and is extremely proactive!

  1. jacket,
    I know exactly how you feel. My medical team are the best I have ever had in my life. It is a privilege to be so lucky as to have such a wonderful medical team you can rely on. It is nice to hear of more patients with excellent medical care from the professionals. Take care and God Bless!

    1. that's awesome for you. Some of us are very fortunate and unfortunately others are not. I to love my medical team members! We can only hope that this continues and that others will one day get to experience what some of already have. May your days be filled with easy breathing!

      1. Immitrex helps a lot.

        1. My husband and son help a lot.

          1. , I'm glad you have a treatment plan that helps you manage your COPD symptoms, along with a supportive husband and son. That makes such a difference! It can feel so affirming to have caregivers who understand COPD and are compassionate about the challenges you face. I thought this article might resonate with you.

            How are you feeling today? Know we are here to listen when you need a friendly ear. Wishing you a gentle day. ~Allyson (team member)

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