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Turned 71 today made it another year not giving up.Feel my copd alittle worse as each passes.

  1. Happy Birthday! I have a little video of the Beatles that I share on birthdays--"They say it's your birthday, Well it's my birthday, too, yeah! They say it's your birthday, they say it's your birthday, Happy Birthday to You!"
    Hope you're having a great one. From where I sit, at 74, you're in a good spot. It does get worse, but do what you can to get a little exercise, eat healthy, small meals, and research what's out there. There are lots of things going on that might help. Ask your doc about different inhalers. Look into endobronchial valves. See if your hospital has a class in breathing and exercise. Don't let it slip away. You are in charge!

    1. Happy belated Birthday

      1. Hi blayde - Happy (belated) birthday! Somehow, I missed this post of yours from yesterday. But my belated wishes, although a day late, are no less sincere!
        I hope you had a good day!
        Keep your spirits up!
        Leon (site moderator

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