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Money Saving Tip - For some ???

Hey everyone, I do not know why I did not post this earlier, but it just came back to mind. NOT based on income either!!!!

Some Utility companies will give discounts to those that are:
1) aged - pending on the company could be as low as 55 yrs or
retirement age.
2) people on disability - some might be any disability and others
might be for those just on oxygen or other types of medical
devices that use their "product".

Never hurts to check, saving money, so we can use it somewhere else in our budget is a good thing, right?

Good Luck!

I do know that hubby and I receive and 15% discount. Funny he qualified for age and I qualified us for disability, not COPD related at that time. We live in Georgia, USA

My father whom was on O2 received a 10% when he was living in Arizona USA that's all they offered discounts for.

My mother, whom lived in Michigan, USA, received 2 discounts. her being retirement age was 10% off and my brother living with her was on O2, the discount was based on her average usage prior to my brother and then gave her the difference in the bill, which that amount continued as a discount until she passed away.

  1. Good idea! I live in Austin, Texas, where our utilities are owned by the city, which believes firmly in government for profit. Which is why we have the highest electric rates in America! Higher than even NYC! Still, I think I will spend some time dogging them and see if I can get any slack. Thanks for the tip!
    By the way, what all hoops did you have to jump through to prove your conditions to them?

    1. wow, sorry you have those type of cost! I took an ID from hubby to prove his age, just a trip to their office. If they would have used me, then asked for a copy of the Soc Sec Approval Letter.. My mom and dad their companies just took their word for it. Small communities !

      Good luck!

    2. Thanks much for the info! I am going to look into it and see what I can do. At this point things are definitely stretched!

  2. Yeah all they can do is say no and if you are like me in anyway you have heard that word since you were an infant LOL..... Better in my pocket then theirs! Good Luck

    1. Right! Yeah, My power bill for June as $240! And the Water bill is $42, even though I live alone, and use far less than the minimums, but they now charge more than twice as much for the sewage as they do for water. There's no rhyme or reason for that, so I am going to start complaining and see where that goes too. Take that and add $18 for trash pickup, and it all gets way higher than last year. And that doesn't even count the school taxes, which tripled this year. I think I am going to refuse to pay that. I am 72, long retired, disabled, and my kids never went to school here, and I don't live in Pflugerville, yet they charge me their school taxes. Nope. Not doing it anymore. What are they gonna do? They can't touch me anymore, so they have no leverage. I am tired of being bullied by the government. Aargh!

    2. Oh school taxes, yes we were fortunate that we did not have to pay school taxes for the 1st 5 years here in GA, but now that the price of housing has skyrocketed, the value of our home is to high, so we are now paying them. The city / county have gotten this already on the schedule to get those adjusted again for us oldies. Hoping and waiting to see if they will pass it again and adjust as housing values climb. Here my hubby is 77 yrs and I am 60, my parts were all removed back when I was in my early 30's and both kids were raised and schooled in WI. Med cost are rising really crazy and with no additional help on those yet, well a break is a break money wise.

      Keep my poste rather TX is helpful to you, if you will.

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