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Mental Health with COPD

May is Mental Health Month! So this month we at are discussing the connection between COPD and mental health. The physical symptoms of COPD are all too familiar, but the mental impact can be just as difficult to manage.

It's important to know that you are not alone! It is perfectly natural to feel moments of depression, anxiety, distress or frustration. Talking about it really helps!

What's your experience managing mental health symptoms with COPD? What coping strategies have you found?

  1. I have depression, Anxiety I am on medication and have copd . I am struggling accepting​ my disease. Any ideas to help.
    Are there counselors who deal with these issues?

    1. Hi Theodore - thank you so much for your comment. You're definitely not alone in having depression and anxiety with COPD (as you can see from this article: I'm so glad you reached out and are asking for more ways to get support, like with counselors! There are certainly counselors who deal with these issues. I encourage you to find one local in your area that you can see regularly if you so choose! Many people find them by calling their health insurance company (if covered), or via Google, or through asking their current doctors/specialist for names. Additionally, here are some resources from our site that may be helpful in dealing with depression and anxiety:,,, and

      I hope this is helpful! We wish you good luck in finding a counselor, and please do keep us posted on how you're doing! We'll be thinking of you!

      Jenn ( Team)

      1. Hi, I have stage 3 COPD with asthma and emphysema. I've always had issues with depression, but it's definitely worse now. Oh well. I don't take medication for it (sounds weird, but I'm afraid to take pills). My mom passed away in 2009 from COPD. Just having a pity party for myself today. I just need to "buck up". I hope everyone has a good day.

        1. Hi grandmak02 -

          I'm so sorry your depression has gotten worse lately. Please don't be hard on yourself - sometimes you need to express how you're doing, you don't always *have to* "buck up" - you are welcome to share your feelings here any time. I'm also so sorry for the loss of your mother.

          I thought these articles on depression and mental health might be helpful to read, if only to know that you're not alone in dealing with these challenges:,, and Also, are you under the care of a doctor/specialist/counselor? Many people in our community find it helpful to use these resources for their benefit. Either way, please do keep us posted on how you're doing! We encourage you to come by any time you'd like info, support, or a listening ear! <3

          Jenn ( Team)

      2. I also have Stage 3 COPD. I have noticed that so many people are in strong need of emotional support for this disease. Myself included. Unfortunately I do not have a family that even care's I have this, nor do they ever ask me how I am doing, so I go through all of these emotions alone. I am isolated and feel cut off from the world, but I do my best to stay upbeat. I also have other health issues that prevent me from being active and this makes me angry and sad. I am only 55 but feel like I am 70. Life at the moment is not enjoyable. But I will pray for it to get better.

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