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Medication for anxiety.

I had been prescribed anxiety medication to take before bed for the past 8 years. The reason is that I get panicky having to go to sleep at night.
My good doctor retired and my new one is different. The first thing he said to me was, "Well...the first thing is you're going to stop taking your anxiety meds."
And in January I was off them. I have not been able to sleep since then. I sit up all night with heart palpitations and seem to be air hungry all night. I'm so depressed now. I'm exhausted.
My question is: Does anyone have any ideas for medications that might help with sleep?
Does anyone have any ideas for getting to sleep if not helped with medicine?

  1. Hi , I'm sorry about what you are going through. Unfortunately, we cannot offer medical advice over the internet (for your safety!) but in this situation, maybe it would be warranted to see another doctor to get a second opinion? If that is something that is possible, they might agree that your old medication was helping OR they may have a suggestion for something else. What do you think? All the best, Sam S. (, team member).

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