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What does it mean that my lungs have enlarged?

I am very anxious that my lungs have enlarged, what does this mean and will they go down again ?

  1. Hi Susanmarie. I have COPD stage 3 and my lungs have enlarged too. It sounds pretty scary, but from what I understand, it's also pretty common with us COPD patients. I can feel a gentle pressure in my lower right lung where I think it's pushing against my ribs. My lungs have also, from what I gather, kind of pushed down my diaphragm so that it can be uncomfortable to bend over and if I eat too much it's really uncomfortable -- but that's probably a good thing since I need to lose weight. I'm not completely sure why the lungs enlarge, or get inflamed, (I'm going to research this because now I want to know) so you'll want to go to your doctor or your pulmonologist to figure out what's going on and how or if you can treat it. Best of luck to you and thanks for the question!

    1. Hi Michelle,
      I don,t know what stage I am at yet, however, all that I have read, implies that I could be stage 3 due to hyperinflation.
      I have rib pain after eating, coughing, bending etc, this is made worse by cold air, it actually becomes very painful right through to my back between my shoulder blades, just where a bra strap would lie, I have costicondritis so it may be connected.I think I may have some pressure on my diaphragm as I do get discomfort there and have had for some time.

  2. Hello Michelle
    Yes it is scary, I have researched, much of the info points to the fact that damage to the small airways prevents the lungs from letting all the we breath in back out, due to loss of elasticity. I also have lots of rib cage pain and pressure on my abdomen, particularly after eating large meals. My ribs have become painful to touch, I seen my gp on tuesday, after an examination, she as diagnosed Costicondritis, Research says this can happen with COPD. I take paracetamol for this now and it does ease it a little. I hope you get the answers that you are seeking, thank you for your reply.

    1. I have the same rib cage pain and it hurts. My doctors keep dismissing this which is aggravating for me. COPD ruins our lungs for sure. It can also be genetic which I read about. But mine is from smoking and being exposed to chemicals.

    2. Hello, I am assuming mine is from the same causes as your own, as I have been a smoker for 40 years, also Exposed to chemical, ie, loft insulation I played in as a child plus the coal dust from fetching it and cleaning the debris I dropped as a child, never mind the asbestos I was also exposed to in the 60's, among many things, I don,t suppose the cause is as much important now as to manageing it now I am diagnosed. I feel for you with your rib pain, however you are entitled to a second opinion for your rib pain. I hope you are manaeging it, for mine I take parecetamol, I find this slightly effective, but if you are really suffering there are other treatments if suitable to you, good luck and thank you for your reply.

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