Hi, Mary! Thanks for reaching out to us. There's nothing worse than feeling unwell and then not being able to sleep on top of that. This is a common issue with COPD, you're definitely not alone.
A couple quick suggestions: Are you using supplemental oxygen at all? You might find using it at night might help. Talk to your doctor about this, you can always call or send a message to the office if you don't have an appointment coming up.
Generally, people with COPD do better when they sleep propped up. You might want to experiment with using different pillows or raising the head of your bed in other ways. Some of our members prefer to sleep in a recliner.
Here are some articles from our patient leaders about sleep issues:
I hope these are good starting places for you. Please keep us posted about what you try and if you have any more questions, we're here to support you! Good luck. -Melissa, team member