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Hi All
This came up on my Facebook today.
Lignosus is a health supplement for people with lung issues.
Has anyone heard about this or have tried it.

  1. , I have not heard about this supplement before but I'm sure if anyone in our community has they will share their experience with you. I would also recommend speaking with your doctor about it before trying it or anything new to see if they think it is something that will be beneficial to you! All the best, Sam S. (, team member).

    1. Hi CM864b33, and thanks for your post. I see my colleague, , has already
      responded, and I concur with her suggestion about contacting your physician before starting anything new, like 'lignosus'.
      Based on your post, I was curious and did a brief search of the internet for this product myself. I was surprised at everything that
      was written about it. The comments and links ran the range from it being beneficial, to it being a scam of some sort. The reader
      is left to draw their own conclusion.
      You may want to do that search yourself - I think you'll be surprised, too, at the variety of comments posted there.
      What do you think?
      Leon (site moderator

      1. thankyou for getting back

        1. Hi again, CM864b33 - it's our pleasure! We're glad to have you here as a participating member in our online community. If there is anything we can do to assist you, please let me or any other moderator / team member know. You are always welcome here!
          All the best,
          Leon (site moderator

      Please read our rules before posting.